Lean software additionally provide dedicated services to your company:
- Project categories:
- System Analysis and task design advice
- EDT Task development - with complete solutions implementation
- Software development
- P4W Workflow development
- Language specialties:
- SQL Server / Oracle
- Iron Python / XAML forms and apps
- C# .NET
- C++
- Office(VBA)
- Partner for Windows Case
- Application specialties:
- Partner for Windows Development (Legal Case Management software)
- DNN (Dot Net Nuke CMS) Development
We run a simple system whereby Lean Software team members log any time spent in the above categories against Private Help Desk project entries for your company.
In this way you only pay per hour for our services, as and when they are needed.
When any team member adds a time spent entry - a short description of the activity is added, and you will receive an email as soon as the activity is logged.
We will refund any unused credit upon your request.
Purchase by Invoice and Bank Transfer
Please send an email with your order to Office@LeanSoftware.net, stating the number of days you wish to purchase.
We will return Invoice plus provide bank account details. We do not provide credit, services available from purchase.
Purchase via PayPal
EU Country
1-10 Days
@£480 per day + VAT
EU Country
11-20 Days
@£450 per day + VAT
EU Country
21+ Days
@£430 per day + VAT
Outside EU Country
1-10 Days
@£480 per day, no VAT
Outside EU Country
11-20 Days
@£450 per day, no VAT
Outside EU Country
21+ Days
@£430 per day, no VAT
To discuss your project please contact us via the Online Contact Us form or use the form below.
For assurance you may like to check out our Client Feedback section.
Some well known Lean Software Clients :