To define the action of a task, you select the appropriate radio button in the Method template panel. EDT uses this action type to determine which SQL statements to generate, for example an INSERT statement when adding data to a table or an UPDATE statement when editing existing data.
The possible actions of a task are dependent on the type of destination:
Add / transfer data to Table
This method can be used to transfer data from any source including the windows clipboard.
EDT will generate the SQL insert for each row.
EDT will automatically Validate the data against the destination table column data types.
Send data to stored procedure
This method can be used to send data to the stored procedure from any source including the windows clipboard.
EDT will generate the SQL EXEC statement for each row.
The stored procedure should a value of 0(zero) on success, or -1 on failure.
EDT will automatically Validate the data against the stored procedure parameter data types.
Edit / Update data table
This method is used to Edit existing table data.
(Note that for more advanced tasks it is common to send the data to a stored procedure that handles the data update, passing each column value as a stored procedure parameter).
EDT will generate an SQL UPDATE statement for each row.
By default only modified rows will be sent.
EDT will automatically Validate the data against the destination table column data types.
Edit / Update / insert data table
This method is used to Edit existing data and also Insert new row data.
(Note that for more advanced tasks it is common to send the data to a stored procedure that handles the data update, passing each column value as a stored procedure parameter).
EDT will generate SQL UPDATE and INSERT statements for each row, depending on if a row with a matching Key value in the destination table already exists.
By default only modified rows will be sent.
EDT will automatically Validate the data against the destination table column data types.
Load / report data only
Report type tasks will be introduced in EDT Version 3.0
Destination columns / SQL tab